Interface DirectSpanModel

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface DirectSpanModel
extends SpanModel

This interface should be implemented by SpanModels that do not need to maintain data structures to know where the spans are, but are able to answer a question about the presence of a span at some point in O(1) time, using some procedural rules.

1.0 05/09/00
Patrick Mérissert-Coffinières

Method Summary
 ExtentCell getSpanOver(int row, int column)
          Obtains a Rectangle representing the bounds of the span overlapping the cell at row, column.
 boolean isEmpty()
          Returns true only if there is no span in the model
Methods inherited from interface com.eliad.model.SpanModel
addSpanModelListener, removeSpanModelListener

Method Detail


public ExtentCell getSpanOver(int row,
                              int column)
Obtains a Rectangle representing the bounds of the span overlapping the cell at row, column.

There should be only one answer for a given row, cell.

row - the row of a cell
column - the column a cell
the description of the span containing this cell, null if there is none


public boolean isEmpty()
Returns true only if there is no span in the model