Uses of Class

Packages that use JSmartGrid
com.eliad.swing This is the main package of the grid component. 

Uses of JSmartGrid in com.eliad.swing

Subclasses of JSmartGrid in com.eliad.swing
 class JSmartGridHeader
          A variant of a JSmartGrid suitable as a header for a "normal" grid.

Fields in com.eliad.swing declared as JSmartGrid
protected  JSmartGrid BasicGridUI.grid_
          The JSmartGrid that is delegating the painting to this UI.
protected  JSmartGrid BasicGridHeaderUI.gridHeader_

Methods in com.eliad.swing that return JSmartGrid
 JSmartGrid JSmartGrid.getActiveGrid(int orientation)
          Returns the grid on which this grid is dependent for the given orientation, null if none.
 JSmartGrid JSmartGrid.getRowActiveGrid()
          Returns the grid on which this grid is dependent for the vertical orientation, null if none.
 JSmartGrid JSmartGrid.getColumnActiveGrid()
          Returns the grid on which this grid is dependent for the horizontal orientation, null if none.

Methods in com.eliad.swing with parameters of type JSmartGrid
 void JSmartGrid.setRowActiveGrid(JSmartGrid activeGrid)
          Specifies a grid on which this grid will be dependent for the vertical orientation.
 void JSmartGrid.setColumnActiveGrid(JSmartGrid activeGrid)
          Specifies a grid on which this grid will be dependent for the horizontal orientation.
 void JSmartGrid.setActiveGrid(JSmartGrid activeGrid, int orientation)
          Specifies a grid on which this grid will be dependent along the given orientation.
 void JSmartGrid.takeLeadershipOver(JSmartGrid grid, int orientation)
          Makes this grid the active one along the given orientation, making another grid dependent.
protected  javax.swing.JComponent JSmartGrid.createTopLeft(JSmartGrid rowHeader, RulerModel rowHeaderHorizontalRuler, GridModel rhm, JSmartGrid columnHeader, RulerModel columnHeaderVerticalRuler, GridModel chm)
          Creates a default top left corner component for this grid.
protected static javax.swing.JComponent JSmartGrid.createHeader(JSmartGrid mainGrid, int orientation)
          Creates the preferred header for a JSmartGrid with a DefaultHeaderModel and DefaultHeaderStyleModel.
protected static javax.swing.JComponent JSmartGrid.createHeader(JSmartGrid mainGrid, int orientation, GridModel gm, SpanModel sm, StyleModel uim)
          Creates the preferred header for a JSmartGrid with specific GridModel, SpanModel and StyleModel.

Constructors in com.eliad.swing with parameters of type JSmartGrid
GridEvent.GridEvent(JSmartGrid source, java.awt.event.InputEvent ie, int row, int column, int rowCount, int columnCount)
          Constructs an input event for a given cell.
AccessibleGrid.AccessibleGrid(JSmartGrid grid)
AccessibleGrid.AccessibleGridCell.AccessibleGrid.AccessibleGridCell(JSmartGrid t, int r, int c, int i)
          Constructs an AccessibleGridHeaderEntry
DefaultHeaderModel.DefaultHeaderModel(JSmartGrid grid, int orientation)
          Builds a GridModel suitable for a given grid, along a given orientation.
JSmartGridHeader.JSmartGridHeader(JSmartGrid parent, int orientation)
          Constructs a JSmartGridHeader with a given JSmartGrid as the main grid, with a given orientation.
JSmartGridHeader.JSmartGridHeader(JSmartGrid parent, int orientation, GridModel gm, SpanModel sm, StyleModel uim)
          Constructs a JSmartGridHeader with a given JSmartGrid as the main grid, with a given orientation, with the models: a GridModel, a SpanModel and a StyleModel