Package com.eliad.swing

This is the main package of the grid component.


Interface Summary
GridEditingListener Interface implemented by a class interested in hearing about editing operations.
GridListener The listener interface for receiving mouse-related grid events (press, release, click, enter, and exit) on a cell in a grid.

Class Summary
AccessibleGrid The class used to obtain the accessible role for this object.
BasicGridHeaderUI Basic GridHeaderUI implementation.
BasicGridUI Basic GridUI implementation.
DefaultHeaderModel This is an implementation of GridModel that is suitable for a grid header.
GridAdapter An adapter calls above GridListener that allows only the method or methods of interest to be overloaded.
GridEditingEvent An event in the course of cell editing in a grid.
GridEvent The equivalent of MouseEvent with logical (cells or spans) coordinates.
GridUI The base class for UI delegates for JSmartGrids.
JSmartGrid The JSmartGrid is a JComponent where grid-oriented data can be displayed.
JSmartGridHeader A variant of a JSmartGrid suitable as a header for a "normal" grid.
SpanManager.Factory This class should NOT be visible in standard javadoc!

Package com.eliad.swing Description

This is the main package of the grid component.